
BEND Orthopaedics (Dr Cameron Cooke) offers clinics in a range of locations throughout Brisbane so that we may best offer you a time that is both appropriate and convenient for you.

Telephone us on 1300 236 348 to arrange a consultation at any of our locations.

BEND Orthopaedics (Dr Cameron Cooke) also operates regularly at a number of different private hospitals in Brisbane. 

Clinic Locations

Mater Private Clinic

Suite 5.09, 550 Stanley Street
South Brisbane  Qld 4101

Mater Health Centre Redlands

16 Weippin Street
Cleveland  Qld 4153

North West Private Hospital

Ramsay Place, 137 Flockton Street
Everton Park  Qld 4053

Brisbane Health Connect

Brisbane Health Connect
51 Orford Street, Tarragindi Qld 4121


Mater Private Hospital

301 Vulture Street
South Brisbane Qld 4101

(07) 3163 8111

North West Private Hospital

137 Flockton Street
Everton Park  Qld 4053

(07) 3246 3133

Greenslopes Private Hospital

Newdegate Street
Greenslopes Qld 4120

(07) 3394 7111